- Who printed this curious Bible? 是谁做出这本精细的圣经呢?
- I certainly can print this news. 我当然可以刊出这则新闻。
- Please print this document in the Old Sung Style. 这个文件请你用老宋体打印出来。
- Please print this confirmation page for future reference. 请列印该确认页,以供将来参考。
- Please print this form and have your parent or guardian sign it. 请打印此表单,并让你的父母或监护人签字。
- Xiao LI, please print this letter out In copy paper A4. 小李,请用A4复印纸把这封信打印出来。
- I cannot here give the details which I have collected and elsewhere published on this curious subject. 关于这个奇异的问题,我所搜集的详细事实已在别处发表,这里不在叙述。
- How many papers will print this good news in banner headlines? 有多少家报纸头条报道这条好消息?
- This curious result occurs because people with shorter life expectancies tend not to purchase annuities. 出现这种奇怪的现象是因为预期生命较短的人不愿购买年金。
- The first Mozartian opera to be subjected to this curious treatment ran dispiritedly for five performances. 莫扎特的第一部歌剧遭受到了吹毛求疵的批评,但仍在垂头丧气地争取第五次的表演机会。
- My printing this pamphlet was another erratum. 我印这本小册子又是一个错误。
- The accepted wisdom is that that is caused by a lack of sponsorship, that those who print money do not see the (true, obvious) value in SPI. 公认的看法是这是由于缺乏赞助而造成的,就是在SPI里只知道钱但不管价值(真值,很明显)。
- Print this confirmation page for your records and for future reference. 请列印该确认页,以供您留作记录和将来参考之用。
- You may want to print this page to use as a reference when you are offline. 您可能需要打印本页以备脱机时参考。
- You should print this checklist and mark each step as you complete it. 应打印此检查表并在完成每个步骤时进行标记。
- Print this list out and use it conjunction with your own kitchen design layout. 这份名单打印出来;并结合自己使用厨房的设计布局.
- German Red Cross representatives have been invited to come and see for themselves, and have publicly confirmed the existence of this curious sanctuary. 德国红十字会的代表们应邀前去亲眼目睹一下,然后公开证实这个离奇的庇护所的确存在。
- This curious anomaly was the idea of a Munich impresario to whom they had asked to be their manager for Germany and Austria. 这个耐人寻味的不平常的名字是一位慕尼黑舞台经理的主意,他们曾经邀请他担任他们在德国和奥地利的经纪人。
- By this curious turn of disposition I have gained the reputation of deliberate heartlessness; how undeserved, I alone can appreciate. 因为这次奇怪的性情转变,我得了个故意负心的名声;当我一个人的时候,我就认为多么不值得啊。
- By this curious turn of disposition I have gained the reputation of deliberate heartlessness;how undeserved, I alone can appreciate. 因为这次奇怪的性情转变,我得了个故意负心的名声;